Wednesday (7/15/20)

Read Exodus 13:17 – 14:31

Wow! The herd of Israelites was 2-3 miles long. That stretches from The Beacon all the way to Camp Ray Bird. And all those people walked across on dry land.

  • Imagine seeing the pillar of cloud and fire. What do you think you would learn from that experience?
  • Even after all the Lord had just done in Egypt to deliver them, the people respond in complete fear when they see that they are being pursued. What do you think could have helped them to respond differently?
  • What brings out the fear in you?
  • Is there a situation right now that the Lord is asking you to be still and to trust Him?

Tuesday (7/14/20)

Read Exodus 12

  • Explain in your own words the name passover for this event.
  • Explain also:
    Why the blood?
    Why the lamb?
    Why the bitter herbs?
    Why remove the yeast?
  • In what ways is this all reminiscent of the Cross?

Spend some time reflecting on your own story. What happened in your circumstances, what did God move in order for you to know Him personally and become a son or daughter in His family?

Monday (7/13/20)

Read Exodus 11

  • How are you feeling reading this?
  • What do you think it means that “the Lord hardened Pharaoh’s heart?”
  • Why is a soft heart necessary to grow and produce the best fruit we can?

Spend some time sitting, praying, and asking the holy Spirit to show you places in your heart that are hard. Ask Him to help you change and grow softer.

Sunday (7/12/20)

Grace. Ahhhhhhh.

Spend some time just being with the Lord. Perhaps share with him your thoughts and feelings as you’ve read through the plagues.

Saturday (7/11/20)

Read Exodus 9 – 10

  • Get out the list we started yesterday. Continuing on, list the plague, who was impacted and how Pharaoh responded.
  • In 9:13-17, what is God explaining to Pharaoh?
  • In chapter 10, we see Pharaoh’s officials give him wise counsel that he ignores. Who around you gives you counsel? Are they wise? How do you respond?

Friday (7/10/20)

Read Exodus 7:8 – 8

In this season of COVID19 perhaps we can relate more to the devastating effects the plagues had on Egyptian life.

The Plagues On Egypt (Exodus 7-12)

  • What are your thoughts reading this section?

Many of the plagues were said to confront a specific Egyptian God.

  • How does the God of the Israelites demonstrate His superiority through them?
  • Why is it actually a loving thing for God to demonstrate His power in contrast to either their lifeless deities or those deities animated by Satan?

Get out a piece of paper and make three columns. From of our reading today, list: the plague, who was impacted and how Pharaoh responded.

Thursday (7/9/20)

Read Exodus 5 – 6:12 and 6:28 – 7:7

  • I find it interesting that God reveals His names and character differently at various times and with various people. What do you appreciate about that?
  • What puts you in a place where you feel closed off to the Lord’s words? Can you relate to this? What moves your spirit to soften and be in a place to listen?

I love it that Moses is eighty years old! I hope to still be listening to the Lord, to be asking questions, and to be obeying when I am eighty and beyond!

  • Ask the Holy Spirit to show you your heart right now. Is your spirit soft to listen? Are you in a place of obedience or disobedience? Do you obey quickly or delay? Do you make excuses? Ask the Spirit to give you a picture of a more mature ‘you’.