Monday (10/21/19)

Yesterday we heard the command to “think on these things.” What we pay attention to, what our mind focuses on becomes who we are. Last week we had a chance to see the story that Job and his friends were telling themselves about who God was and who they were. We saw God challenge this story with the true story about Himself and Job renewed his mind and adjusted his story to reflect God’s revealed truth.

This week, we are going to get to know another man, David. Through some Psalms that he wrote, we are going to have a chance to “think on these things.” To pay attention to God’s character, to how David relates to Him, and who he says that God is.

Pay attention, think on it, focus your mind, be renewed in fundamental ways to see who God is and to also see who you are in light of that.

Today we will use the “Know, Be, Do” format for devotions this morning We are going to use this all week to catch a glimpse of who David sees God to be.

Read Psalm 99

  • KNOW (what does the text say about God?)
  • BE (What does the text say about us?)
  • DO (what is the text calling me to do?)

Take time today to think through those questions from this passage.




Sit quietly and just enjoy some time with the Lord.

Sunday (10/20/19)

Spend some time rereading some of how God reveals Himself and the characteristics that popped out to you from Job 38-41. Take some time to just praise and adore the God who allows Himself to be KNOWN.

Saturday (10/19/19)

Read Job 42

What has Job learned about who God is?

How do you think Job KNOWS God differently from Job 1 & 2?

Think about your past times of suffering or the present suffering you are in. Is your heart open to learning more about God and what He wants to show you about Himself? Or has the pain overwhelmed this desire and you are angry? (Be honest – God sees where you are at and cares so much about walking alongside of you).

Share with someone you trust how they can pray for you right now.

Friday (10/18/19)

Read Job 38-41

Write out the ways that God reveals Himself? Who is He saying that He is?

Thursday (10/17/19)

Today we are going to read some of the statements Job makes to his friends throughout their conversations. Pay attention to his words, but also listen for his feelings. He has suffered enormous loss. He is a righteous and blameless man trying to make sense of a devastating situation.

Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to help you see through Job’s eyes.

Read Job 9:14-18

  • How does Job see the situation?
  • How is he describing God right now?

Read Job 23:1-13 (Same questions as above!)

Read Job 27:1-6 (As above)

Read Job 29:1-6 (You got it…)

Read Job 30: 20-22

As you reflect on Job’s words, and the words of his friends yesterday, where do you see yourself in their thoughts?

Wednesday (10/16/19)

Today we are going to take a run through some short passages from “the friends” and from a younger man who speaks after the three friends. They seemed to start out well, sitting alongside Job in the immediate aftermath of the painful loss (Job 2:13). But they (like us) often want explainable answers (Spoiler! God rebukes them in Job 42:7 for their incomplete and bad answers).

Read Job 4:1-9 (Eliphaz) What is he saying?

Read Job 8:1-7 (Bildad) What is he saying?

Read Job 11 (Zopher) What is he saying?

Read Job 32:1-5, 33:8-13, & 34:1-12 (Elihu) What is he saying?

If you had to sum up what these friends belief about God – who is God to them?

Tuesday (10/15/19)

Today, after you pray for wisdom, read through the the text below on suffering before reading the next chapter.

C.S. Lewis explains, “The Christian doctrine of suffering explains, I believe, a very curious fact about the world we live in. The settled happiness and security which we all desire, God withholds from us by the nature of the world: but joy, pleasure, and merriment He has scattered broadcast…The security we crave would teach us to rest our hearts in this world and oppose an obstacle to our return to God… Our Father refreshes us on the journey with some pleasant inns, but will not encourage us to mistake them for home.” 

Truths about Suffering (adapted from

  • It is a normal part of our life here/God knew that we would experience suffering (Acts 14:22).
  • It is experienced for various reasons; many times we are caught in the cross-hairs of spiritual warfare, impacted by the fallenness and sin in ourselves as well as those around us, and we have an enemy that is seeking to destroy us (1 Peter 5:8).
  • Reminds us we are not in heaven, we are not “home” (Revelation 21:1,4).
  • Is multifaceted/presents differently to us all (2 Corinthians 4:8-9).
  • We are meant to suffer together (Galatians 6:2).
  • Can equip us for ministry depending on our response (2 Corinthians 1:4).
  • Is a battleground for my soul (Job 2:9-10).
  • Prepares us for more glory (2 Corinthians 4:17-18).

Read Job 3

How does Job express his agony and pain?

Are there sentences or thoughts that shock you? Remember in chapter 1, Job was “blameless and upright” and in agony he cries out.

Describe a time of suffering that you have experienced. How did you respond? Who walked alongside you? Perhaps you are suffering right now- how are you feeling and doing?

Express these feelings to the God who is running towards you, who is crazy about you, and who loves and pursues you (write out a prayer in a journal or a peice of paper).