Monday (10/14/19)

Yesterday, Keith shared about the process of allowing our minds to be transformed and renewed. What an amazing blessing that our minds can actually be fundamentally changed. We all live in the story that we believe – about God and about ourselves. Telling ourselves a true story, believing the true story, changes everything.

This week, we are going to get to know a man named Job and some of his friends and see what story they believed about each other and about who God is.

We are going to do a “fly over” in the book of Job. I say a fly over because Job has 42 chapters filled with incredible thoughts, a heart wrenching pain, and few answers. We will hit some highlights that might prompt you to do further study. All week long we are going to ask similar questions that will move us on a path of examining how we perceive God versus who He reveals Himself to be.

Yesterday we pondered Paul’s words about “knowing whom he has believed in” to the extent that he could suffer joyfully. I want to grow that in myself. A steadfast knowing of God that walks with me through my circumstances.

The reading this week is a bit longer. The book of Job is a story that I hope we get caught up in.

The Bible Project has a great video on Job:

Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to teach and speak to you as you listen and read.

Read Job 1 & 2

What do we learn about God from these chapters (KNOW):

What do we learn about evil/Satan from these chapters?

What do we learn about Job?

What about Job’s friends? What do we learn about Job’s wife? How do they strike you?

How do you feel about the background conversation between God and Satan? Does this stir any feelings in you?

Share your feelings with the Lord in prayer. Perhaps write out some questions you have. However you best ‘sit’ with God, let Him in on your thoughts.

Sunday (10/13/19)

2nd Timothy 1:12 says: “That is why I am suffering as I am. Yet I am not ashamed, Because I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that He is able to guard what I have entrusted to Him for that day.”

Whom have you believed? From this past week of reading (and even the past months) describe the God you are (hopefully) knowing more each day. Look through 2 Timothy and reflect.

Spend some time thanking Him for who He is to you. Grab some paper or a journal to write down phrases that come to mind. Or write a letter to God thanking Him.

Saturday (10/12/19)

Spend a few minutes singing aloud whatever worship song comes to your mind.

Then read all of 2nd Timothy just like you’d read a letter.

Friday (10/11/19)

Pray. Then read.

Read 2nd Timothy 4

Let’s do the simple Know, Be, Do style of dissecting this chapter today!

  • KNOW (What does the text say about God?)
  • BE (What does the text say about us?)
  • DO (What is the text calling me to do?)




Sit quietly and just enjoy some time with the Lord.

Thursday (10/10/19)

Pray and ask for the guidance and leading of the Spirit.

Read 2nd Timothy 3

What does Paul warn will characterize the “last days?”

Where do you see these things in our culture today?

Whom have you learned from (v.14)? What is it about their life that moves you to imitate?

How specifically does scripture equip you (the man or woman of God) to do His good works? Where do you feel not equipped?

Is there someone you could learn from? Ask them this week to walk alongside of you.

Wednesday (10/9/19)

Pray and ask for wisdom.

Read 2nd Timothy 2

Let’s do the simple Know, Be, Do style of dissecting this chapter today!

  • KNOW (What does the text say about God?)
  • BE (What does the text say about us?)
  • DO (What is the text calling me to do?)

Take time today to think through those questions from this passage.




Tuesday (10/8/19)

The Old Testament prophets have encouraged us to consider our ways. For the rest of the week, we are going to look at a New Testament character: Timothy. 

Timothy was a disciple of the Apostle Paul. He was a young pastor. Paul dearly loved him and referred to him as “my true son in the faith.” Paul wrote to Timothy near the end of his own life urging him to carefully consider how he lives, serves, and leads.  We see this in the letter of 2nd Timothy. Let’s learn together!

Remember to spend time praying and asking the Holy Spirit to lead you while you are reading.

Watch The Bible Project video related to this, you can check it out here:

Read 2nd Timothy 1

What are the ways that Paul described himself in this chapter?

Is this picture of Paul appealing to you? Would you want to have dinner with him? Why?

How does it seem that he feels about Timothy? How does he describe these feelings?

How does it seem that Paul has encouraged Timothy to carefully consider his ways?

Is there anything that the Holy Spirit is saying to you today?