Monday, December 19th

  • Psalm 24:3-6

How is the person described who can ascend the mountain of the Lord according to these verses?

Who may ascend the mountain of the Lord? Who may stand in His holy place?

Saturday, December 17

  • Read Deuteronomy 8: 1-14

Do you have any practices in your life that help you remember? We are prone to forgetfulness, to believing that we’ve caused our own successes.

God calls us to remember Him, His provision. Today- we are going to practice remembering by writing. Write out the verses above, and highlight any words that pop out to you.

Friday, December 16

  • Read Proverbs 3: 5-12

The women in this picture were choosing God’s word.  In Liberia, they received the blessing of teaching from Cathy and Shelley. What do you need to hear from these verses today?

Thursday, December 15th

  • Read Matthew 6: 25-34

From these scriptures, how would you answer the following questions (remember to ask the Holy Spirit to shed light on what He wants to teach you):

KNOW (what does the text say about God?)

BE (What does the text say about us?)

DO (what is the text calling me to do?)

Wednesday, December 14th

  • Read Exodus 16: 1-8

As you think back over the many weeks in Exodus, what are some of the ways that the Lord provided for them?

In points of stress, the Israelites grumble. What brings you to grumbling?

  • On a separate piece of paper, start a thankful list and add to it as you see things

Tuesday, December 13th

  • Read John 6: 41-59

What stands out to you from these verses?

The manna, the bread from heaven sent for the Israelites, was a life-giving provision in the desert. How have you seen the Lord provide for you?

This song is written by Michael Card- you can listen at the link below.

Monday, December 12

  • Read John 6: 25-40

What do we learn about Jesus and God from these verses?

What are we to be doing according to these verses?

As you sit with the Lord this week, ask Him where in your life is the food that spoils?