THURSDAY (4/15/21)

  • Read Genesis 2:8-17
  • As details get added to the creation story, continue to add to your drawing the layers of beauty and design.

Ponder the following questions today:

  • How does God demonstrate care for this man that He had created?
  • The phrase “all kinds of trees” keeps popping out to me – so much variety in creation! Some trees were just for visual pleasure. What does this say to you about who God is?
  • God gives Adam purpose and work to do. How is this true in your own life?
  • As you read it, are the commands in verses 16-17 framed positively or negativity? Is the emphasis on what to do or what not to do? How does that matter?

On a separate piece of paper, jot down some answers to this question:

  • In your own life, what are some “yes’s” you sensed from God?

WEDNESDAY (4/14/21)

  • Read Genesis 2:1-7

Do you notice there is no rain? That is always interesting to me.

  • The text describes God as forming the man from the dust of the ground. This seems so intimate to me. What kinds of images does it bring to your mind about who God is or what He is like?
  • In this Covid time, it’s hard to imagine breathing into someone’s nostrils. God’s breath animates the man, brings him to life. How do you see God’s Spirit in you bringing life out of you and life into you?
  • In chapter 1, God creates through speaking, but here, He is described as creating from dust and dirt. What do the two modes of creation tell us about God?

TUESDAY (4/13/21)

  • Read Genesis 2

Consider the following questions as you go about your day today:

  • From this retelling of the creation account, what do you see that is interesting to you?
  • What is confusing to you?
  • What does this tell you about who God is?

MONDAY (4/12/21)

  • Read Genesis 1:24-31

Ponder and consider the following questions today:

  • What are some of the words used to describe the creation of man and woman?
  • Why do you think God specifies that He creates male and female?
  • If you think about what you know from the Bible, what does it mean to be a female image bearer? How does being female uniquely reflect God’s image?
  • Again, if you think about what you know in the Bible, what does it mean to be a male image bearer? How does being male uniquely reflect God’s image?
  • How can the culture and church stereotypes related to maleness and femaleness be hurtful?
  • Look at how God provides food for all His creatures in vs. 28-30. What do you notice?
  • Lastly, do some drawing! Finish your rendition of creation.

SUNDAY (4/11/21)

Let’s observe the rhythm of some silence and reflection on these
Sabbaths. Spend some time quietly thanking the Lord for who He has
shown Himself to be in your life.

I noticed in the reading of Genesis 1 and 2 that immediately following
the creation of the man and the woman, God invites them to rest with
Him on the seventh day. Let’s rest with Him this morning.

SATURDAY (4/10/21)

  • Read Genesis 1:20-23

Reflect on the following questions again today:

  • What is God dividing in these verses?
  • Why is He dividing them? What purpose does the dividing serve?
  • What does it mean “according to their kinds”? What is the significance of this?
  • Are you noticing anything else from these days about who God is through what He does in creation?
  • Lastly, refer back to your drawing today and add to it!

FRIDAY (4/9/21)

  • Read Genesis 1:14-19

Consider the following questions today:

  • What is God dividing in these verses?
  • Why is He dividing them? What purpose does the dividing serve?
  • The detail described increases each day. What do you think it says about God that He, in detail, can call stars into being?
  • Again, add to your drawing what is happening.