Tuesday (12/10/19)

Read Isaiah 5:8-30

  • What exactly is bringing “woe” and exile to the people? What have they done?
  • As you reflect on these verses, combined with the words spoken Sunday, what kinds of feelings are being stirred up in you? 
  • Spend some time writing some reflections on how you are feeling today.

Monday (12/9/19)

Yesterday we heard Adam and Keith share about joy on the backside of redemption, joy tested by the real junk in life. This week we will look at more of that tension through the lens of the book of Isaiah. If you didn’t get a chance last week to watch The Bible Project’s summary of the book, we have included it at the bottom of this post/email.

As we consider our ways this week let’s sit long and deep exploring with Jesus our hurts, disappointments, and grief and trust Him for joy on the backside.

Read Isaiah 5: 1-7

  • How do these verses describe God’s relationship with His people, the Israelites, from your understanding?
  • When God is looking for good fruit in our lives, what is He looking for? (See Galatians 5:22-26.)

Read James 3:9-12 and Matthew 12:33-37

  • What can  be an indicator for us of the kind of fruit we are producing according to these verses?
  • Spend some time asking the Holy Spirit to show you fruit in your life- good and bad.

Sunday (12/8/19)

Read Micah 5 & 6. 

There is sorrow and promise here. The now and the not yet.

  • Sit quietly and spend some time meditating, reflecting, pondering the verses that spoke to you or popped out to you. 
  • Ask the Lord to speak to you through all the portions of the service upcoming today.

Saturday (12/7/19)

Look back over the reading from this week.

  • Why was there mourning in Israel?
  • Why was God mourning yet also executing judgment?
  • Where is there mourning in your life right now?
  • What does it look like to lament and grieve the people or situations that you listed above?

Spend some time crying out to the Lord for the pain that is there in your heart. Allow the Holy Spirit to be your comforter.

Friday (12/6/19)

Read Isaiah 4:2-6

  • In light of chapter 3, what emotions come up in you as you read this short section?
  • Despite the Lord’s just anger, what does this say about how the Lord really feels about His people?
  • He promises that His glory will be like a canopy creating a refuge and hiding place for His people. Sit for a while picturing yourself under this shade, experiencing His hiding place, experiencing His refuge. If you are a visual person, draw the images that have come through your mind as you have sat quietly.

All throughout Isaiah there are verses about the coming Messiah that have inspired many songs. During the next five weeks together in this devotional, we are going to listen to several renditions of the song O Come, O Come, Emmanuel

Many of the lyrics come directly from chapters that we will read. Despite all the sins of the Israelites that were going to result in captivity, He offered them hope. Their longing for Messiah is reflected poignantly throughout this song. Take a listen:

Thursday (12/5/19)

Remember to sit quietly before reading and ask the Holy Spirit to teach you and lead you.

Read Isaiah 3:1-4:1

  • Explain the situation facing the people of Judah and Jerusalem.
  • In verse 12, Isaiah tells them that their guides have led them astray. This is a theme in both Isaiah and Jeremiah. Who is your “guide”?
  • How can you ensure that you have a guide who is leading you towards the Lord and not a “blind guide” that Jesus condemns in Matthew 15 and 23. 

Wednesday (12/4/19)

Read Isaiah 2

  • Two verses really stood out to me: Isaiah 2:1 and Isaiah 2:22 (beginning and end). Where have you felt abandoned in your life- perhaps in the past or in this present season?
  • In what ways can you see that you have abandoned the Lord?
  • In what areas of your life are you “trusting in humans” instead of trusting in the Lord?
  • What do you hear the Holy Spirit saying to you today?