Saturday (9/14/19)

Take a long slow read through these chapters. Perhaps use a Bible app and have it read to you.

Read John 14-17

  • Pray along with Jesus in John 17.
  • Write out a prayer of your own asking the Holy Spirit to continue His work in you:

Friday (9/13/19)

In the previous devotional pages from Jonah, we got used to answering the questions:

KNOW (what does the text say about God?)
BE (What does the text say about us?)
DO (what is the text calling me to do?)

Take time today to think through those questions from this passage.

Read John 16:5-16




Thursday (9/12/19)

Hopefully you are getting into the habit of asking the Holy Spirit to teachyou as you sit down to read. Pray now.

Read John 15:18-16:4

In 16:1, Jesus says, “All this I have told you so that you will not goastray.” In what we’ve read so far this week, what would make the disciples lose heart and potentially go astray?

  • What situations in your life have caused deep questioning of your faith in you?
  • How did you process through these situations, or have youprocessed through them?
  • Certainly there are hard and unexplainable situations around all of us that cause deep pangs. Has there been a time you have suffered for doing what was right and good to do?
    • Share:
  • How does Jesus’ warning encourage you?

This passage was written to the disciples (plural) and not just one person (not just “me and Jesus”). Today, call/email/text one person in response to today’s reading as a means of being anencouragement to a brother or sister in Christ that might need.

Wednesday (9/11/19)

Now that we’ve read that the Holy Spirit reminds us and teaches us truth, it makes sense that we would want to ask Him to help us whenwe sit down to read and understand scripture.

Sit quietly for a few moments being still before the Lord. If your mind wanders, and it will, just bring it back. Start with two or three minutes just enjoying His presence. He enjoys your presence immensely.

Read John 15: 1-17

  • In this passage, we learn that Jesus is the vine (v.1); the Father is the gardener (v.1); we are the branches (v.5); love is the fruit (v.12). What does life look like for the average branch?
  • Ž What has pruning looked like in your life?
  • Ž What do you think “remaining” looks like?
  • Ž As you reflect on the past several days, what areas can you can honestly say you ARE “remaining in with Jesus” and what areas are you NOT “remaining in with Jesus”?
  • Ž  Jesus calls you His friend, and also explains that He chose you specifically. What feelings does this bring up in you?

If our loving one another is the actual fruit we are bearing, ask yourself a couple hard questions:

  • Ž Are there people I don’t love well in my life?
  • Ž Who am I loving well right now?
  • Ž What pieces of me make it harder for me to genuinely love others and what am I doing to change those things?

Below is a picture of the vine and branches. Embed the image of the branch needing to be attached to the vine.

On June 2nd Keith & Susan preached a sermon on this passage you might enjoy! Use the player below to listen:

Tuesday (9/10/19)

Stop, pray, and ask the Holy Spirit to speak to you from the text. Ask Him to help you engage with your mind and your heart. Remind yourself you are in God’s presence and read the passage; notice how God might be speaking to you through His Word.

Read John 14:15-31

  • From this passage, what are the names and/or tasks that the Holy Spirit will help us with?
  • If the Holy Spirit brings truth to us, what are some of the current lies you are facing in your life? (In my life I have struggled to believe that I matter to people, that I am valuable…)
  • How have you seen believing these lies impact your life? (For me, because I can believe that I am not valuable, I can tell myself that I deserve poor treatment)
  • The Holy Spirit seems to be so personal and intimate with us:whispering truth, gently reminding, soothing us with peacefulness. How does it feel to know that Jesus sends us someone who knows us so intimately? What does that communicate about Him?
  • How do you feel about your love being tied to something that you do versus something that you say? What’s challenging about that?

Monday (9/9/19)

We heard Keith speak yesterday on genuine knowing of the Father. 1 John 1:3 tells us that our fellowship is with the Father and the Son. This fellowship is unique for us as believers because of the gift of the Holy Spirit. As He indwells in someone who has “trusted in Jesus” (see doctrine box), He does many remarkable and predictable things in each of our lives. We are going to spend this week rooted in John’s Gospel listening to Jesus’ description of what the Holy Spirit is doing and providing for each of us!

Conversely, if you have not “trusted in Jesus,” the Holy Spirit does not indwell you and is not doing this work. Because you are sitting here, you’ve heard that Jesus wants a relationship with you personally. Consider KNOWING Him.

Stop, pray, and ask the Holy Spirit to speak to you from the text. Ask Him to help you engage with your mind and your heart. Remind yourself you are in God’s presence and read the passage; notice how God might be speaking to you through His Word.

Read John 14:1-20

If you peruse the previous chapter(s) of John’s Gospel, you see thatJesus told the disciples some hard things: He is going to die, He is going to be betrayed, and that He is going away.

He then says “Don’t let your hearts be troubled…”

  • ŽAs you think about the transition for them in losing Jesus’ physical presence, what kinds of things do you think would “trouble” them?
  • What are the ways/phrases/truths Jesus uses to comfort them?
  • What are some things you learn about Jesus’ character from this passage?

Imagine the pain expressed in verse 18 in suddenly becoming an orphan. Confusion. Pain. Fear. Immobilization. We picture children inthis situation and it is gut wrenching. But even as adults, we cling tobeing a part of a family. We can feel adrift without the sense of belonging that comes from a common last name.Ž 

  • How has Jesus communicated “belonging” to your heart through this passage?

Sunday (9/8/19)

Read 1 John 1:1-4

Remind yourself you are in God’s presence and read again; notice how God might be speaking to you through His Word.

Dwell on a word or phrase that jumps out at you; how has God’s Word moved you? Ponder and meditate what has connected with your heart or mind; pray to God about what it is that has moved you today.