Tuesday (8/20/19)

Explore how Jesus used Jonah’s story in His ministry;

Read: Matthew 12:38-41; Matthew 16:1-4, Luke 11:29-32 (go slow, see prompts from Monday)

  • Now pick ONE of those three passages and read the entire chapter it is from.  Study it. Look at the context. 
  • What was going on around Jesus when He used the Jonah story in His ministry?  Who was He addressing it to?
  • Jesus seems to use the Jonah story as a POSITIVE about Himself (death and resurrection) while pointing to fallen humanity (“…This is a wicked generation…”).  In light of that:
    Know (what does the text say about God?) 
    Be (what does it say about us?) 
    Do (what does it call us to do?)

Monday (8/19/19)

Read Jonah 2, go slow…

Remind yourself you are in God’s presence and read again; notice how God might be speaking to you through His Word.  Dwell on a word or phrase that jumps out at you; how has God’s Word moved you? Ponder and meditate what has connected with your heart or mind; pray to God about what it is that has moved you today. 

  • Now pray through this passage.  For example, read Jonah 2:2, assume that is God speaking, and then pray in response something like, “God, I’m in distress about ____, and I’m realizing I run to ___ instead of You.  Holy Spirit help me ____.).  Read v.6, then pray something like, “God, looking back on life I do see how you have lifted me out of so many pits….
  • Consider writing your own prayer to God.  Describe your situation to God with the same degree of detail that Jonah did. 
  • With this week’s passage from Jonah 2 capturing Jonah’s prayer, make prayer a priority this week.

Sunday (8/18/19)

Sermon on Jonah 2.  Discuss with friends and family the message from today

  • Is there anything specific that God revealed to you (or reminded you of) during today’s message?
  • Is there any specific response you sense God wants from you?  Write that here and pray/respond about that this week!

Saturday (8/17/19)

Read Matthew 8 (with special attention on v.18-27) (go slow, see prompts from Monday)

  • Study this passage and process through the following three questions: Know (what does the text say about God?)
    Be (what does it say about us?)
    Do (what does it call us to do?)
  • Also, tomorrow’s Sermon will be on Jonah 2. Read through it.

Friday (8/16/19)

Read Matthew 5:38-48 (go slow, see prompts from Monday) Don’t minimize Jesus’ words here (it’s easy to do).

  • Study this passage and process through the following three questions: Know (what does the text say about God?)
    Be (what does it say about us?)
    Do (what does it call us to do?)
  • Finally, read 1st John 4:7-21, be still, PRAY!

Thursday (8/15/19)

Read 1st Kings 18 (with special attention on v.21-39) (go slow, see prompts from Monday)

  • As we saw in Jonah 1, he was conflicted (v.3, 9,12); we are also conflicted in many ways. That is why today’s reading from 1st Kings ch.18 was chosen.
  • Study this passage and process through the following three questions: Know (what does the text say about God?)
    Be (what does it say about us?)
    Do (what does it call us to do?)

Wednesday (8/14/19)

  • Read Romans 7:14-25 (go slow, see prompts from Monday)
    • Be still before God; let the weight of His holiness and your sin be acknowledged. Remember He is good and loving and Jesus delivers us (Romans 7:25, maybe also see Romans 8:34).
    • What sins do you need to confess? Don’t hold back, God already knows. Seriously, spend time confessing sin to God, be still and listen afterwards. What is God saying, and how should you respond?
    • If there is someone you need to confess to or repent towards, make a plan to do that today! Put it on your calendar, do it!
    • Finally, re-read Romans 7:25 and pray to God and worship God in response.