Merry Christmas!
Today begins the expanse of time often referred to as The 12 Days of Christmas – the time from Christmas Day until the 6th of January. This day is referred to as Epiphany (see the box at the bottom of this page).
Today, reflect on the miracle of Jesus becoming like us in our humanity, so that we might have the opportunity to become like Him.
Throughout these next days, we will have inserted into the devos small reminders related to Epiphany. Just like we’ve celebrated Christmas this whole month, let’s continue the mindfulness.
As we finish this set of devotions and end the official Christmas season, we will head into a series of studies in the gospels. We will take the season of Epiphany to study through the synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke). We will examine Christ’s life from the vantage point of these men that knew Him well. Then during Lent we will settle into the Gospel of John.
Excerpts taken from Living the Christian Year by Bobby Gross.
“Three events in the life of Christ are associated with the Feast of Epiphany: the visit of the Wise Men from the East, the baptism by John in the Jordan, and the turning of the water into wine at Cana. The theme of the season is ‘manifestation’- making what has been largely hidden more widely known. Similar to our mission given by Christ – to make Him known to the world around us.”
“The season of Epiphany extends until the Sunday prior to Ash Wednesday- which marks the beginning of Lent. In our lives, as we discover more about Jesus, as we come to know Him more fully, we are then given the opportunity to share that information. Jesus says that He is the light of the world. He also tells us that we are the light of the world.”