Friday (1/31/20)

Read Matthew 15:21-28 and Mark 7:24-30

Here we see Jesus approached by a pagan woman (not surprising since He had ventured into the cities of Tyre and Sidon).

  • This woman approaches Jesus and is desperate. What do you think (speculation) she believes about Jesus prior to this encounter?
  • What is your take on her? What is she like?
  • Who does she find Jesus to be?
  • Jesus seems delighted by her and tells her that she has great faith. How has she demonstrated this faith?
  • What do you glean about Jesus from this interaction?

About Tyre & Sidon

Jesus makes a unique excursion into the pagan and semi-pagan districts of Tyre and Sidon. Located North of Galilee.  Although he was called to reach out to “the lost sheep of Israel” the public attention in Galilee was intense. Even here, His presence becomes public. And this woman, obviously, understand some of the Jewish teaching (excerpt from the NIV Study Bible).

Thursday (1/30/20)

Read Luke 10:38-42

Mary, Martha and their brother Lazarus and quite a study in themselves. They lived in Bethany and, it seems, became really good friends of Jesus. Much of their story is told in the book of John so you’ll have to wait to read a fuller description!

I picture Mary sitting in the midst of a group of men, at Jesus’ feet, listening intently to what He was teaching. This in itself is so cool. To think of Jesus valuing her, teaching the men around Him why and how to value women, and leaving us this sweet picture.

  • Then we have Martha. As you look through her eyes, what is going on in this scene?
  • Who is Jesus to her, based on their interaction?
  • What does she discover?

Wednesday (1/29/20)

Read  Luke 8:40-48

  • Based on this woman’s sneaking up to Jesus, what can we infer about how she saw Him prior to their encounter?
  • How do you think she saw herself?
  • How does Jesus show value to her in this dialogue?
  • How do you think Jesus’ reaction surprises her? 
  • Who does she discover Jesus to be? What do you discover about Jesus?

Tuesday (1/28/20)

Read Luke 7:36-50

Today we are going to look at this scene from the eyes of the woman. Next week, we will start with this same scene through the eyes of Simon. This woman is given no name, her only description is of being “sinful”.

  • What is her motive (in your thinking) in entering this group of men, where she had to know that she would not be welcome?
  • How does it seem that Jesus treats her? What does Jesus do to communicate value and esteem to her?
  • As you sit and look through the eyes of this woman, who is Jesus? (I can hardly type I am so moved by Jesus’ example to me). What do you think she realizes about herself through this interaction?

I have loved, as I’ve read through these scenes (all of them) looking specifically for epiphany or discovery, how amazing it is to think that I am discovering things about Jesus, while also discovering a lot about myself and a lot about other people. I have so much to learn.

Monday (1/27/20)

This week we will examine the discovery (or epiphany) of Jesus through the eyes of the women around Jesus – particularly the women in the gospel of Luke. 

Luke has an amazing way of highlighting women all throughout his gospel. Very counter to the society of his day, Luke tells story after story of Jesus interacting, esteeming, and bestowing value on the women around Him. In the beginning of Luke, chapter 8, you’ll also notice that Luke records the names of several women that traveled with Jesus and the disciples and helped to support the ministry.

You’ll notice this week that we will not include some famous stories (the Woman at the Well and the Woman caught in Adultery) that are in John’s gospel only because we will be working through John’s gospel during Lent. 

Read Luke 7: 11-17

  • What stands out to you about Jesus’ interaction with this woman?
  • Imagine yourself in this woman’s shoes – what does she come to recognize about Jesus? How would she describe Him after this encounter.
  • As you sit in the enormity of what He did for this woman and how He treated her, describe Jesus for yourself today:
  • Verse 13 says that Jesus’ heart went out to her. When is the last time you remember someone’s heart coming out towards you? What happened?

Sunday (1/26/20)

Let’s take some time to reflect and pray before we head to worship together.

Look back through the past couple weeks. Choose one or two character qualities of Jesus that you can spend some time praising Him for right now.

Remember: pay attention!

Saturday (1/25/20)

Today, a special treat! 

Since these books were written as letters, I thought it would be cool to read this aloud, or listen to it read aloud.

Here is a link where you can listen (the version is The Message).
  • What stood out to you as you listened or read aloud?
  • Sit quietly for a few minutes. What do you hear the Holy Spirit saying to your spirit?