We are going to do something a little different today. Open your Bible app, or download a Bible app, on your phone. Listen to Romans chapters 1-8 all the way through. This was a letter written to a specific church, but was read as a letter. I think it helps grasp the overall scope if we listen to some larger …
FRIDAY (10/30/20)
Read all of Romans 7 and do the Know, Be, Do method through the chapter! Get out a piece of paper and answer these questions: KNOW – What does the text say about God? BE – What does the text say about us? DO – What is the text calling me to do? Write out the whole verse that you …
THURSDAY (10/29/20)
Read Romans 7:24-8:4 In 7:25 Paul gets pretty excited. What is he thankful for? How does someone become “in Christ (v. 8:1)?” If you are “in Christ,” Paul explains that there is no condemnation over you, around you, for you. How does that make you feel? Stand up and walk to the nearest mirror in your place. Say aloud as …
WEDNESDAY (10/28/20)
These are hard words in this chapter. Remember to pause and ask the Holy Spirit to teach you and show you truth! Reread Romans 7:7-25 What is some of the “good” that you would like to see yourself doing right now, but aren’t doing it? Describe some of the war inside of you right now? In what areas of your …
TUESDAY (10/27/20)
Read Romans 7:7-25 Grab a piece of paper and write a one sentence summary for the tension Paul is expressing in this section. The Law showed us what was sin (v. 7). Ideally, the Law should lead us to life as we obey the good commands set before us. Easy, right? Not exactly! Paul says that sin “seized the opportunity” …
MONDAY (10/26/20)
We saw in Romans 5 that God was creating a new humanity in Jesus. Romans 6 explained that we are “alive in Christ.” Now in Romans 7, Paul answers the questions, “What the Law was for? What purpose did it serve? If God was going to redeem people to Himself through Jesus’ death and resurrection, why all the hoopla with …
SUNDAY (10/25/20)
Spend some time this morning praying prayers of thankfulness. Think through your week and ask the Holy Spirit to show you how He’s been involved in your days and moments. Journal the things that you are thankful for. WEEK 2 MEMORY VERSE:ROMANS 6:23For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus …