Tuesday 1/31/23


  • Read John 3   

Jesus explains to Nicodemus that He will be lifted up just like Moses held high the snake in the desert. 

  • Read Numbers 21: 4-9 

Explain the visual aide of the bronze snake. 

  • The word lifted up could be replaced with the word ‘exalted’? 
  • How had the Israelites not exalted God in the midst of their trial? 
  • How can you, in your life right now, exalt God over your circumstances or other people in your life? 

Monday 1/30/23

  • Read John 3   

This week is going to be a reflective week. In the conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus, Jesus reasons out a lot with him. Jesus prods him to think and consider and we will do the same. 

Jesus tells Nicodemus that it takes being born again in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. 

  • In your own words, explain your understand of how a person is ‘born again’? 
  • Reflect back on our own experience—have you been born again? 
  • Jesus says that you must be born again. How do you explain that to a person who believes there are many ways to the same end?

Sunday 1/29/23

We pondered yesterday areas that are not under the control or authority of our Master. 

Read through the Confession Practice that Andrew introduced us to a few months back. Spend some time this morning asking the Holy Spirit to search your heart.

Link: https://riversidecommunity.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Spiritual-Discipline-Confession.pdf

Friday 1/27/23

  • Read John 2 

The Jews demand that Jesus prove His authority. 

We all bow to some authority in our lives. 

  • How can you determine, in your own life, if Jesus has authority over you? 
  • Are there areas where you know that you—not Jesus—are the authority? 
  • What does surrender to Jesus’ authority look like in these areas? What is a step you could take today?

Thursday 1/26/23


  • Read John 2 

Why was Jesus angry about the market being set up in the temple court? 

Jesus was jealous that His Father’s house be treated with the honor and dignity that it deserved. 

  • As you enter church each Sunday, how can you contribute to that space being a sacred place to worship God? 
  • Where, in your world today, do you see something being denigrated? 
  • How can your righteous anger fuel you to positive actions?

Wednesday 1/25/23

  • Read Exodus 12: 1-28 

The Passover was a miracle that ended a series of miracles that brought the Israelites out of Egypt. God’s glory was revealed through these miracles, giving all who saw a chance to acknowledge and follow the one, true God. 

  • Share a miracle you’ve seen in your own life or someone close to you. 

The Lord instituted a yearly reminder to be passed through the generations.  

  • What are some ways that the Lord has shown Himself to you that you want to always remember? 
  • What are some practical ways that you can remember—what are some practices you could put into place to remember?