Saturday 12/30

Read Isaiah 61 

KNOW (What does the text say about God?) 

BE (What does the text say about us?) 

DO (What is the text calling me/us to do?) 

Take time today to think through those questions from this passage. 

What are the ‘ruins’ in your life? 

Reflect on how the Lord has begun to restore some of your ‘ruins’? 

Reflecting on 2023, what are some practices in your life that didn’t work well to encourage growth in godliness?

Friday 12/29

Read Isaiah 44 

As the year of 2023 winds down, we will also wind down in Isaiah. Several years ago, Keith remarked, “If I want to be increasingly conformed to His likeness, I must practice remembering who He is and what He has done.” 

Therefore, along with our scripture reading, I also want to pose a question to prompt us to remember. Let’s become practiced in the remembering discipline. 

Ultimately if the Israelites had made a practice of remembering who God was to them, as well as all He had done for them, perhaps the exile would have been unnecessary. I want to know Him and walk daily in the light of knowing Him. Remembering is crucial to that. 

In verse 21 he calls them to ‘remember these things’- what are the things he wants them to recall? 

What are the potential idols in your life today- what gets your best time, money, energy and efforts?  

How can you determine whether or not they are idols to you? 

Reflecting on 2023, what are some practices in your life that gave life and you want to continue?

Thursday 12/28

Read Isaiah 43:1-10 

Personalize these verses– write them out inserting your name like God is speaking directly to you. 

You can write your own, or use this model from the kids version (I like the kids one!) 

___________ the Lord created you. 

He formed you _______________. 

He says, “______________ do not be afraid.” 

___________ you belong to Me.  

________________ I will always be with you. 

No matter what happens in your life, _________, I will be right with you. 

____________ you are priceless to me. 

I love you _______________. 

I honor you _______________. 

_________________, I created you because it bring me glory and praise. 

I have chosen you ________________. 

I have chosen you, ________________ so that you will know Me and trust Me. 

Speak this aloud over yourself and spend some time thinking about how He sees you. 

Wednesday (12/27)

Read Isaiah 42 

Read Isaiah chapter 42- I am excited to do the Know, Be, Do in this chapter. It seems to have some incredible descriptions of God, and also explains His desires for His followers (at that time, the Israelites- but now- us) 

KNOW (What does the text say about God?) 

BE (What does the text say about us?) 

DO (What is the text calling me/us to do?) 

Take time today to think through those questions from this passage. 

From these verses, what is encouraging to you today?

Tuesday (12/26)

Read Isaiah 40 

This week we are going to start into the second section of Isaiah- chapters 40-66.  Chapter 39 ends with the Israelites being carried off to captivity in Babylon. Isaiah then begins a message of hope to the exiles and beyond. Interestingly much of what is written is from a future vantage point. 

Listen to the Bible Project summary here: 

As the people returned the exile ended, many had lost faith in God, believing that God had neglected them and allowed them to be captured.  They still did not see that it was their own disobedience and rebellion that brought punishment from God. 

They seem to be accusing God in 40:27 of being disregarded by God. 

Again God explains who He is and what He has provided for them. 

How does God answer their complaint? 

How does God describe Himself throughout this chapter? 

Of His characteristics, what are you most in need of today?

Monday (12/25)

Merry Christmas! 

Today, read your favorite version of the birth of Jesus story.  

All of the promises we’ve read about in Isaiah are fulfilled in this birth. 

Sit and reflect a bit in the quiet about what His birth, death, and resurrection has meant in your own life.