Tuesday (3/31/20)

Read John 17:6-19

Do you at times desire to leave the world?  The Lord wanted the disciples to know that they’d face persecutions and difficult situations, and the same is true for us. Verse 17 is one of my favorites.  It is the answer to Pilate’s question in John 18:38, “What is truth?” God’s word is truth. The more we know the Word, the Bible, the more we know truth.  Truth sanctifies a person.  Sanctify means to set apart.  Jesus is asking that His disciples would be set apart from the world by His truth.  

  • How do you see the Bible helping you change your actions to be more “set apart” as a son or daughter of the King?
  • What is Jesus praying for specifically in this passage?
  • Read the passage aloud picturing Jesus praying for people that He loves. What is most meaningful for you?

Monday (3/30/20)

Read John 17:1-5

  • Describe the relationship Jesus has with the Father.
  • What do you think Jesus means when He talks about bringing the Father glory here on earth? How did He do that?
  • Describe eternal life from this passage:

Saturday (3/28/20)

Read John 16:5-33

  • Jesus promises the Counselor and promises that we will have trouble in this world. What troubles you in this season of life?
  • Meditate and ask the Spirit, the Counselor, to show you what peace in Jesus looks like in the midst of troubles? 
  • I think often that understanding peace and hope are challenging for me when circumstances don’t change, a diagnosis brings grief, and my heart just aches in the pain of the moments that seem to never have an end. What does it look like to have peace?

Write out your one sentence summary for chapters 15 and 16.

Friday (3/27/20)

Read John 15:18-16:4

  • How does it make you feel to know that you were chosen specifically?
  • How would we know if the world hates us?
  • Are there ways that you definitely do not feel a part of the world? Ways that you do feel a part?
  • How does the truth of knowing that Jesus chose us out of the world (once we have become a part of His family) impact daily life?

Thursday (3/26/20)

Read John 15:1-17

Jesus’ words have the power to cleanse!  

 It can be confusing why this verse is in the middle of this illustration of the vine and the branches.  But, oh, this is one of my favorite illustrations!  A plant is cleansed by pruning off defects so that it can grow more fruit.  

A branch on its own cannot bear fruit; it will shrivel up and die.  The only way to bear fruit is to be connected to the source of nutrients: the vine. 

Throughout the Old Testament, Israel is referred to as a vine (Psalm 80:8, Isaiah 5:7). They were a people connected to God. All the power the disciples had from Jesus to perform miracles and speak His words was because they were connected to Jesus. 

Judas Iscariot, however, broke away from the vine. He didn’t trust in the vine; instead, he turned to the Pharisees for provision, but that path led him to despair and death. Just as plants need water daily, so we need God daily to be nourished.

  • What are you doing to ensure that His words remain in you?

KNOW (what does the text say about God?)
BE (What does the text say about us?)
DO (what is the text calling me to do?)




Wednesday (3/25/20)

Read John 14:15-31

KNOW (what does the text say about God?)

BE (What does the text say about us?)

DO (what is the text calling me to do?)

Take time today to think through those questions from this passage.




  • When you think about the gift of the Holy Spirit what are you most thankful for?
  • Write out your one sentence summary!