Tuesday, August 31st

  • Read Esther 2

Since we heard in the video about how Esther comes into the story (the King’s banquet, Queen Vashti’s refusal, the King’s edict…), let’s focus in on chapter 2.

Let’s be honest- this choosing of a new queen is out of our paradigm. At least it’s out of mine for women to be herded about in this fashion.

  • Where do you see God’s mercy at work in this chapter?
  • How would you feel if you were Esther?
  • Who has been a “Mordecai” in your life? Someone older- either in years or in faith- who has given you guidance?
  • Spend some time thanking God for His provision in this person (perhaps write them a note as well!)

Monday, August 30th

I hope that you have been enjoying seeing God’s mercy displayed in the lives we’ve explored these past weeks. I’ve loved the parallels of hearing about expansive mercy on Sunday through the gospels of Jesus, and then seeing God’s heart reflected in the Old Testament as well. This week we will get to know Esther.

Check out this video from The Bible Project:

Friday, August 27th

  • Read Ezra 5

In Genesis 16, Hagar says of God, “you are the God who sees me” and names that place Beer Lahai Roi. Verse 5 tells us that He also sees the people rebuilding the temple.

  • How has God let you know that He sees you? (write it out on a separate piece of paper)

Wednesday, August 25th

  • Read Ezra 3

Reflect on the following questions:

  • Mercy- where do you see it at work in this chapter?
  • What do you think makes the older priests, Levites, and family heads weep as they look at this new foundation?
  • What are the places and people you are grieving for right now- even in the midst of a new season the Lord has brought?