Saturday (8/31/19)

Read Acts 3 (go slow, see prompts from Monday)

  • Study this passage and process through the following three questions:
    Know(what does the text say about God?)  
    Be(what does it say about us?) 
    Do(what does it call us to do?)

Also, tomorrow’s Sermon will be on Jonah 4.  Read through it.

Friday (8/30/19)

Read Acts 2 (go slow, see prompts from Monday)

  • Study this passage and process through the following three questions:
    Know(what does the text say about God?)  
    Be(what does it say about us?) 
    Do(what does it call us to do?)

Thursday (8/29/19)

Read Acts 1 (with special attention on v.1-11) (go slow, see prompts from Monday)

  • Study this passage and process through the following three questions:
    Know(what does the text say about God?)  
    Be(what does it say about us?) 
    Do(what does it call us to do?)
  • Pray through various parts of this passage.  
    • For example, read v.2, assume that is God speaking, and then pray in response something like, “Jesus, thank you for the Holy Spirit, and being that you are in heaven right now, reigning, I worship you.  You are truly great and wonderful and worthy of my allegiance today”.  Then read v.3, then pray something like, “Jesus, I sometimes have doubts, that’s just the honest truth.  Would you help me…”. v.4, “Holy Sprit, help me wait on You today, really be attentive to your leading and guiding, help me recognize …”

Wednesday (8/28/19)

Read 1 Peter 2 (with special attention on v.11-25) (go slow, see prompts from Monday)

Remember from yesterday, the first part of this chapter is about our identity, and that has to be settled FIRST before we “try” (really it’s about being empowered by the Holy Spirit) to live out the second half of this chapter.  

With that in mind:

  • Study this passage and process through the following three questions:
    Know(what does the text say about God?)  
    Be(what does it say about us?) 
    Do(what does it call us to do?)

Tuesday (8/27/19)

Read 1st Peter 2 (with special attention on v.1-10) (go slow, see prompts from Monday)

  • These next two days we will root in 1st Peter 2.  The KEY about this chapter is the first part is about our identity as God’s people, the second part is how we respond and live IN LIGHT of our identity.  The order is CRITICAL!  If we try to “live such good lives (v.12)” out of our own strength or out of an attempt to earn God’s love, things will go way wrong.  God gives us our identity, and out of that, out of who we are, we are then able to “live as free men (v.16).” 

So TODAY, focus on 1st Peter 2:1-10, who you (we) are as followers of Jesus.

  • Study this passage and process through the following three questions:
    Know(what does the text say about God?)  
    Be(what does it say about us?) 
    Do(what does it call us to do?)

Daily Devotional


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Monday (8/26/19)

Read Jonah 3, go slow…

Remind yourself you are in God’s presence and read again; notice how God might be speaking to you through His Word.  

Dwell on a word or phrase that jumps out at you; how has God’s Word moved you?

Ponder and meditate what has connected with your heart or mind; pray to God about what it is that has moved you today.  

Turn your thoughts to God and quietly enjoy being with Him.