Read through Exodus 2: 1-25 a couple of times. What are the words or statements that pop out to you? What are the emotions that this passage brings to the surface in you? What do you come to know about the Lord’s character in this chapter? What about people in general- can you learn anything from this passage? Who are …
Sunday 1/30/22
Spend some time this morning sitting quietly before the Lord preparing your heart for corporate worship. Listen to some music, pray, rest in the Father. On a separate piece of paper, journal about anything that comes to mind.
Saturday 1/29/22
Our final area to consider is our physical selves. The Lord has given us bodies to care for and steward. Without strength in our bodies, it is hard to serve and give ourselves for his purposes. In what ways are you working to care for your body well? Think through eating, exercise, rest, play, and other pieces of your physical …
Friday 1/28/22
Today we will consider the emotional part of ourselves. How would you describe your emotional state? Healthy? Struggling? Depleted? Dry? What have been the circumstances, people, events, that have contributed to where you are at emotionally? How comfortable are you with naming how you are feeling and expressing that to someone close to you? Where would you ask the Lord …
Thursday 1/27/22
Today we will continue to spend time assessing where we are in the hope to prepare the soil for where we are going. As you think back over the past couple of years, how are the people relationships around you? Have they grown in depth and substance, stayed constant, or shrunk? What are the ways you need to be pursuing …
Wednesday 1/26/22
If we, as Keith has said, are to be rebuilt, we must first take stock of where we are. We are going to take the next couple of days to pray and assess several areas of our life. The hope is that through this reflection, we will see accurately pieces of our lives and hearts that need attention. As we …
Tuesday 1/25/22
Read through Exodus 1:1-22 a couple of times Where do you see the Lord’s blessing on His people despite the severe hardships? We are told that the Hebrew midwives feared God and disobeyed the King of Egypt. How do you suppose this fear of the Lord grew in them? Where do you think they learned about Him? Where and what, …