We are going to write out a couple verses and specifically focus on letting them dwell deeply in us. Write out James 2:8 and James 2:15-17.
- As you sit in these verses, is the Holy Spirit saying anything that you want to heed?
We are going to write out a couple verses and specifically focus on letting them dwell deeply in us. Write out James 2:8 and James 2:15-17.
Read James 2:14-26
Check out this old song :
Read James 2:12-13 & Matthew 9:10-13 (a quote of Hosea 6:6)
Read James 2:1-13
Spend some time this morning praying for the service this morning. Pray for members of our body, pray for local business, and people impacted by closings these past months.
Pray for students and teachers that you know.
Whether we are gathered together in person, meeting virtually for prayer, or watching the sermon… pray.
This morning we are going to write out James 1:22-25. Writing the verses out really helps them to sink into me a little bit deeper.
Is the Holy Spirit bringing anything to mind that you have seen in the word, but failed to make a part of your life and actions?
Remember to pray before you begin each time. The Holy Spirit wants to teach you and show you more of the Father’s character.
Read James Chapter 1 aloud as if you are reading a letter to someone. Use inflections, add some drama as you read. You may want to find a quiet place alone!