MONDAY (5/31/21)

Hey Riversiders! This week we are going to be reading the whole letter of Galatians. Before we dive in, let’s watch this overview from our friends at the BibleProject:

  • Read Galatians 1

Consider the following questions:

  • What stands out to you as interesting in today’s chapter?
  • How is God speaking to you through this passage today?

SATURDAY (5/29/21)

  • Read Revelation 21-22

Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to
the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city. (Rev. 22:14)

  • Have your robes been washed?

The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!”

If there is any doubt in your mind that your robes have been washed
and you will enter the Holy City to worship Christ there, please reach
out to one of the leaders around this place. They want to share with you.

FRIDAY (5/28/21)

  • Read Genesis 1-3

After all the reading these past weeks, what stands out to you from
these chapters? Write down some answers on a spare piece of paper.

  • Spend some time pondering a world without sin and shame and talk to the Father about whatever comes to mind.

THURSDAY (5/27/21)

  • Read 1 Corinthians 15:35-58

We just had to end with this passage which reminds me of Revelation
and all that is to come in eternity:

  • What is true of us (those of us who are sons and daughters of God) according to this passage?
  • What makes you the most excited after reading this passage?
  • Why is verse 58 true?

WEDNESDAY (5/26/21)

  • Read Acts 17:16-34

Paul, while walking through the city of Athens sees that they worship all
kinds of idols, and just to cover their bases, they are also worshiping an
“unknown god.” He seizes the opportunity to explain to them the One
True God, maker of heaven and earth.

Answer these questions on a separate piece of paper today:

  • Why, according to Paul, does He mark out our times and days?
  • How close does God feel right now?
  • How do you see Him living in you, moving in you, and giving you your being? In what practical ways is this true today?
  • All throughout Revelation we heard the call to align ourselves in allegiance to Christ and His Kingdom. Where do you see your life more aligned to Jesus’ ways than in the Fall when we began Revelation?

TUESDAY (5/25/21)

  • Read John 1:1-14

We learned in proverbs that Wisdom was there before the created earth
and heavens. The same is true of the Word.

Consider these questions today:

  • Who is the Word that created everything?
  • What does He bring to us when He comes to live with us?
  • Why does it say that we are His own? How are we His?
  • What determines if someone is a child of God?
  • What is the difference between God’s own/God’s creation and being a son or daughter of God?