Wednesday 5/17

Read John 19: 16-27  From his divine perspective, Jesus sees prophecy after prophecy being fulfilled, while in his humanness He sees his mom, experiences excruciating pain, and struggles to catch His breath.  Imagine that you are Mary—what is going through your mind?  Sit with John for a minute. What do you imagine that he is thinking and feeling?  Lastly, what …

Tuesday 5/16

Read John 19:1-16  I get sad every time I read this passage thinking about Pilate. What can we glean about his character from this passage?  When have you listened more to those around you than you listened to the Holy Spirit inside of you?  Jesus assures Pilate that any power he has was given to him. How do you think …

Monday 5/15

   Read John 19  What are some questions that you have after reading this chapter?  What are some of the snapshots of Jesus that you appreciate and why? 

Sunday 5/14

Spend some time this morning relaxing with the Father. Write out some of the characteristics of God that you can exalt in prayer today. 

Saturday 5/13

Read John 18  Try to condense chapter 18 into one sentence. Write it on a separate piece of paper. What are the 2 things you will remember most from this chapter?

Friday 5/12

   Read John 18: 28-40  Where do you see injustice in this section?  Why do you think Jesus gets into this lengthy discussion with Pilate when He refused to talk much to His own people?  Imagine being Barabbas. What are you thinking as you realize that your life was traded for Jesus’? 

Thursday 5/11

Read John 18: 19-24  Why do you think Jesus gives such an answer to the High Priest? What point is He making?  How do you imagine Jesus is feeling as he is questioned and then slapped?