Sunday (12/10)

All throughout Isaiah there are verses about the coming Messiah that have inspired many songs. During the next four weeks together in this devotional, we are going to listen to several renditions of the song   ‘O Come, O Come, Emmanuel.’  Many of the lyrics come directly from chapters that we will read.  Despite all the sins of the Israelites that …

Saturday (12/09)

Humbly ask for the Spirit’s help to grow through the word.  Look back over the reading from this week.  Why was there mourning in Israel?   Why was God mourning yet also executing judgement?  Where is there mourning in your life right now?  What does it look like to lament and grieve the people or situations that you listed above?  Spend …

Friday (12/08)

Read Isaiah 4:2-6  Stop and pray for wisdom from the Spirit.  In light of chapter 3, what emotions come up in you as you read this short section?  Despite the Lord’s just anger, what does this say about how the Lord really feels about His people?  He promises that His glory will be like a canopy creating a refuge and …

Thursday (12/07)

Read Isaiah 3:1-4:1  Ask the Holy Spirit to teach you today. These are challenging words.  Explain the situation facing the people of Judah and Jerusalem.  In verse 12, Isaiah tells them that their guides have led them astray. This is a theme in both Isaiah and Jeremiah.  Who is your “guide”?  How can you ensure that you have a guide …

Wednesday (12/06)

Read Isaiah 2  Ask the Holy Spirit to speak to you through these words.  Two verses really stood out to me- verse 6 and verse 22.   Where have you felt abandoned in your life- perhaps in the past or in this present season?  In what ways can you see that you have abandoned the Lord?  In what areas of your …

Tuesday (12/05)

Read Isaiah 1  Ask the Holy Spirit to speak to you through His word.  (Remember to check out the commentary listed previously if parts are confusing.)  Why is God angry from what you read in this chapter? (List out His grievances.)  Phrases like “I will turn my hand against you (vs. 25), “you will be ashamed because… (vs. 29), and “woe …

Monday (12/03)

Our sermon series this month is entitled “God Who Comes to Us”. We will, in our devotional time, work through excerpts from the book of Isaiah.  We will see God judging His people and mourn that He has to judge.  We will see Him promise a future for them.  We will see his compassion.  And, we will see how we …