Tuesday (4/30/24)

I AM HIDDEN WITH CHRIST IN GOD  Read Colossians 3:1-4 slowly and out loud if possible. What truth do you learn about yourself from these verses?  What do you learn about God?  What is there for us to do as a result of knowing this truth?  What does God do for us?  Read Colossians 3:1-4slowly and out loud again. Sit quietly after …

Monday (4/29/24)

I AM A MEMBER OF CHRIST’S BODY  Read 1 Corinthians 12:12-19, 27 slowly and out loud if possible. Ask the Holy Spirit to speak this truth to your heart.  How does Paul explain the body being arranged or assembled?  Have you seen in yourself a unique way that you are fitted into the body of Christ?  At Riverside, how do you …

Sunday (4/28/24)

I AM A FRIEND OF JESUS  I AM CHOSEN TO BEAR FRUIT  I AM A JOINT HEIR WITH CHRIST  I AM UNITED TO THE LORD – ONE SPIRIT WITH HIM  I AM SANCTIFIED  I AM A SAINT  Repeat these slowly, out loud, pondering each truth that you’ve soaked in this week.  Is the Holy Spirit saying anything to your heart …

Saturday (4/27/24)

I AM A SAINT  Read 1 Corinthians 1:2 slowly and out loud if possible. Ask the Holy Spirit to speak this truth to your heart. It says in the ESV: To the church of God that is in Corinth, to those sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints together with all those who in every place call upon the name of …

Friday (4/26/24)

I AM SANCTIFIED  Read 1 Corinthians 6:11, Hebrews 2:11 slowly and out loud of possible. Ask the Holy Spirit to speak this truth to your heart.  Look up the definition of the word sanctified.  The Bible tells us that we are (past tense) sanctified, but also that we are presently undergoing the process (present tense) of sanctification. Explain what this means to …

Thursday (4/25/24)

I AM UNITED TO THE LORD – ONE SPIRIT WITH HIM  Read 1 Corinthians 6:15-20 slowly and out loud if possible. Ask the Holy Spirit to speak this truth to your heart.  Paul uses such a physical metaphor to describe our union with Christ. Why do you think he is so strong here?  Are there things in your life right now …

Wednesday (4/24/24)

I AM A JOINT HEIR WITH CHRIST  Read Romans 8:14-17 slowly and out loud if possible. Ask the Holy Spirit to speak this truth to your heart.  If your Bible has notes, they will probably tell you that the word Abba could also be translated as Daddy. Why do you think Jesus wants us to really understand that we can call …