Friday (5/24/24)

I AM FIRM, ANOINTED, AND SEALED  Read 2 Corinthians 1:20-22 slowly and out loud if possible. Ask the Holy Spirit to speak this truth to your heart.   What all has God done for us and what do those words mean?  How, practically speaking, does it matter that we are anointed, sealed, and made to stand firm? What difference does this make …

Thursday (5/23/24)

I CANNOT BE SEPARATED FROM THE LOVE OF GOD  Read Romans 8:35-39 slowly and out loud if possible. Ask the Holy Spirit to speak this truth to your heart.   What do we learn about ourselves from this passage?  How could this impact your daily life?  Has there been a time when you felt distant from God? When you feel that way …

Wednesday (5/22/24)

I AM FREE FROM CONDEMNING CHARGES  Read Romans 8:31-34 slowly and out loud if possible. Read the whole chapter again if time allows. Ask the Holy Spirit to speak this truth to your heart.   We learn in verse 1 that because we are in Christ, we are not condemned by God. Here we see that no one else can condemn us …

Tuesday (5/21/24)

I AM ASSURED THAT ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER FOR GOOD  Read Romans 8 (especially v 28-30) slowly and out loud if possible. It’s long- but well worth it as we will be in this chapter the next several days. Ask the Holy Spirit to speak this truth to your heart.   When it says that in all things God works for the …

Monday (5/20/24)

I HAVE DIRECT ACCESS TO GOD  Read Ephesians 2:11-18 slowly and out loud if possible. Ask the Holy Spirit to speak this truth to your heart.   Paul’s readers here were non-Jewish people (Gentiles), as most of us are. It was amazing for them to hear that access to God was not limited to the Jews, but also included them!  What do …

Sunday (5/19/24)

I HAVE A SPIRIT OF POWER, LOVE, AND SELF-DISCIPLINE  GOD HAS MADE ME PROMISES  MY NEEDS ARE MET BY GOD  I AM A PRINCE OR PRINCESS  I BELONG TO GOD  I AM ADOPTED AS GOD’S CHILD  Repeat these slowly, out loud, pondering each truth that you’ve soaked in this week.  Is the Holy Spirit saying anything to your heart right now?  …

Saturday (5/18/24)

I AM ADOPTED AS GOD’S CHILD  Read Ephesians 1:4-6 slowly and out loud if possible. Ask the Holy Spirit to speak this truth to your heart.   We read earlier this week about us believing and receiving Jesus and being called a child of God. Today we see that we have been chosen to be adopted- a different perspective for sure! What is …