Sunday (2/9/20)

Pay Attention! 🙂 Let’s take some time to reflect and pray before we head to worship together. Look back through the past week. What have you learned about Jesus that you appreciate? What causes you to stop and praise Him? Spend some time in quiet prayer and praise to the Lord

Saturday (2/8/20)

Read Matthew 8:5-13 and Luke 7:1-10 What do we learn about this Centurion? What’s he like? Why do you think Jesus finds his faith so amazing? What, in your life, would you like to ask Jesus to heal? What are you discovering about Jesus from this interchange?

Friday (2/7/20)

Read Luke 6:1-11 What traits about Jesus are disclosed in this passage? Jesus seems intent on exposing the hearts of the Pharisees and Teachers. Why do you think that He does this? Sit for a bit and quietly ask the Holy Spirit to show you aspects of yourself that He wants to expose to the light.

Thursday (2/6/20)

Read Luke 5:17-26 What do you think verse 17 seems to imply? Imagine yourself as a bystander in this story. Describe the friends: Describe the Pharisees and Teachers: Describe the paralyzed man: What insight do you gain about Jesus from this scene? Is there anything interesting or perplexing here for you?

Wednesday (2/5/20)

Read Luke 5:12-16 I love this story. But have to be honest, whenever I read it I find it sobering that this man asks if He (Jesus) is willing to heal him. It has shaped my prayer life to ask that same question. I know that Jesus can do anything, but there are many things He says ‘no’ to. Spend …

Tuesday (2/4/20)

Read Matthew 26:6-13 I thought these stories were interesting being so close in details. But the two men named Simon seem to be different people – at least in the notes in my Bible :-). Always imagining ourselves in the scene, what do you think Simon discovers about who Jesus is based on this interaction? How do you think being …

Monday (2/3/20)

Similar to last week, we are going to look at people’s sometimes random encounters with Jesus. We will look through the eyes of men this week. It would seem that many of these men had this one face to face encounter with Jesus. Some probably heard His teaching and were perhaps exposed through being a part of the crowd. Let’s …