Tuesday (3/24/20)

Read John 14:1-14 Many depend on different routes to everlasting life: Buddha, reincarnation, being “good enough,” or that everyone gets to heaven.  Jesus isn’t just one possible way to heaven. No, Jesus is THE way, THE truth, THE life.  He is the only way.  There is only one truth. Jesus is the creator and sustainer of physical life, abundant life, …

Monday (3/23/20)

Read John 13 Here is the link for the second half of the book of John from The Bible Project:  Jesus washes the disciples’ feet. Such a humbling act today, even more so back then.   Try to picture it: There were no paved roads and where they lived was desert, so you can only imagine how dusty it was. …

Sunday (3/22/20)

Today we are going to spend some time relaxing and just sitting in the presence of the Lord. Put in your earbuds, turn on the speakers, and find some worshipful music. Just prop your feet up and “be” in His presence.

Saturday (3/21/20)

Read John 12:12-50 Secret believers: “People who believe in who Jesus is, yet they choose not to let others know.” Many rulers and well-educated leaders believed but kept their belief a secret. These believing rulers knew that if they confessed Jesus, they would be kicked out of the synagogue – no more friends, no more community support system.  They not …

Friday (3/20/20)

Read John 12:1-11 Remember our last study through the weeks of Epiphany? We discovered Jesus through the eyes of those he encountered. Today we are going to do just that. What a beautiful scene! What do you think Mary learns about Jesus during this scene? How do you think the events from John 11 impact Mary and Martha during this …

Thursday (3/19/20)

Reread John 11  Today we are going to ponder some “feeling” types of questions. Spend some time in prayer and reflection. When have you felt disappointed in Jesus because of a response or a lack of response to prayer? Think about Lazarus being raised from the dead. What seems impossible in your life right now that you need to cry …

Wednesday (3/18/20)

Read John 11 Imagine that you are Martha in this scene. What is going through your mind? Are you  angry? Hopeless? Frustrated? What does it say about her relationship with Jesus that she speaks so strongly to Him? How about you? Can you speak openly to the Lord in your anger or frustration about a person or situation? “Lazarus is …