SUNDAY (2/7/21)

Paul urges the Roman believers to be on their guard for things in their body that cause divisions, and people who are divisive. Spend some time today praying for our body, that we would be full of unity and that we would be wise and alert for division. WEEK 4 • MEMORY VERSE • ROMANS 15:5 May the God who …

SATURDAY (2/6/21)

Read Romans 16:17-27 Consider and reflect on the following questions: What, in Paul’s final words here, stands out to you as a word for you to hear and heed? What are some characteristics about God we learn from these verses? Paul desires, as does God, that all nations might believe and obey. The following link takes you to today’s prayer …

FRIDAY (2/5/21)

Read Romans 16:1-16 What does Paul’s long list of people tell you about him? I love that he has people who have been in prison with him, a woman who’s been like a mother to him, friends who’ve risked their lives for him, and those who’ve worked hard and been outstanding. If you were to make a list of people …

THURSDAY (2/4/21)

Read Romans 15:23-33 Paul is so excited to be able to see them. He believes that his time there will be refreshing to him and his faith. Spend some time reflecting on the following questions: Who are the people in your life that refresh your faith? What is it about them that encourages you? How can you seek to be …

WEDNESDAY (2/3/21)

Read Romans 15:14-22 Paul has some really good reviews for them in verse 14! He says that they are: full of goodness, complete in knowledge, and competent to instruct one another. Which of these areas stands out as something you’d like to see yourself grow in this coming year? Perhaps ask the Holy Spirit to have one pop out to …

TUESDAY (2/2/21)

Read Romans 15:8-13 Surely the Jews and the Gentile believers struggled at times to accept one another. With different backgrounds, history, and experience of the Lord, no doubt it was work to achieve unity. Spend some time reflecting on the following questions: Where are you experiencing joy like described in verse 13? How about peace? In what situation do you …

MONDAY (2/1/21)

Read Romans 15:5-7 Endurance and encouragement again. On a separate piece of paper, write out a time when you saw incredible unity bring praise and glory to God. Consider and reflect on the following questions: How does following Christ closely help us to be unified with each other? Who is hard for you to accept? Why? How have you seen …