Monday 2/21/22

God basically lays out the whole story in chapter 3: Moses was the one chosen to lead, God would move with miracles and wonders, the people would plunder the Egyptians, and they would worship at the very mountain Moses was standing on right then. What a spoiler for us! In Exodus 3:14 He also shares His name: “I AM” with …

Sunday 2/20/22

We’ve covered a lot of ground this week. Read Exodus 3:1-22 God promises Moses that He will be with him and that Moses will worship God. We have that same opportunity this morning. Spend some time praying (look back at the format from Thursday), and preparing your heart to be with the body!

Saturday 2/19/22

Finally, Blackaby says that God speaks to us through the church- His people. Read 1 Corinthians 12:7-27 What stands out to you about the body of Christ from this passage? Why do you think God has interconnected us in such intimate ways? As we all fall under the headship of Jesus – read Ephesians 4:1-16– we each have His wisdom …

Friday 2/18/22

So daily we can put ourselves in front of His word asking the Holy Spirit to teach us. Daily we can pray and listen for the Holy Spirits voice speaking to us. We can also examine the circumstances around us. God often uses our circumstances to show us where He is already at work and point out ways that we …

Thursday 2/17/22

Another way that the Spirit speaks to us is through prayer. Prayer is a conversation. You speak to God and He speaks back to you. He wants to know us and to talk to us. It’s a relationship. He uses the Holy Spirit that indwells us to speak to us and to teach us. Prayer allows the Holy Spirit to …

Wednesday 2/16/22

Scripture is clear that: The Holy Spirit indwells all believers (once a person has trusted Jesus to pay the penalty of their sins) The Holy Spirit teaches us and speaks to us words from the Father. He expects us to obey and follow- like sheep. One of the ways that the Spirit speaks to us is through: The Bible. Read …

Tuesday 2/15/22

Read Exodus 3:1- 4 This is an amazing picture of God reaching into Moses’ ordinary day and speaking from a bush. How does God speak to you in your ordinary day? Read John 8:47; John 14:26; and John 16:13-14 What do these scriptures say about God speaking to us, His children? Read John 10:27 How do we know when it …