Tuesday 1/24/23

  • Read John 2 

Jesus takes the ordinary water and transforms it into expensive wine. 

  • How have you seen Jesus takes what has seemed ‘ordinary’ in you and transformed it into something that gives Him glory? 
  • In what ways has God surprised you with a blessing, a gift, a way that He has used you? 

Monday 1/23/23

  • Read John 2 

Sit and picture yourself at this wedding. Perhaps remember the last fun wedding that you attended. 

We read in chapter 1 that Jesus came and lived among us. He sat, relaxed, went to weddings, and had his mom tell him what to do! 

  • How does it change the current picture of Jesus in your mind to picture Him dancing at a wedding with friends? 
  • What do you think Jesus means that ‘his hour had not yet come’? 
  • Mary approaches Jesus confidently with her request. How confident are you when you approach God in prayer with your request?

Friday 1/20/23

  • Read John 1  

John testifies about Jesus to his own disciples and two of them head towards Jesus.  

Jesus calls them and two more to begin gathering His own band of disciples. 

  • What did your ‘calling’ look like? What do you remember about deciding to follow Jesus? 
  • What compels you to continue following Jesus? 
  • Who, in your life right now, could you testify to about how Jesus has worked in your own life? 
  • Write out their names on a separate piece of paper and pray daily for an opportunity to share.

Thursday 1/19/23


  • Read John 1 

John refers to Jesus as ‘the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world’. 

If you remember from Exodus, lambs were routinely brought to the temple as sacrifices to atone for the sins of the people. 

Our Hebrews devotions told us that the blood of bulls and goats would never permanently take away sins. 

  • From your understanding, what is the significance of Jesus being the Lamb of God? How would He be different than the previous lambs offered as sacrifices? 

  • Read Revelation 5: 1-14 

We see the Lamb again being praised for His sacrifice. 

On a separate piece of paper, write out a prayer of thanksgiving for the removal of your own sins. 

Wednesday 1/18/23

  • Read John 1 

What do you learn about John the Baptist from this chapter? 

How do you see John’s humility come through as he speaks about Jesus? 

I always think it’s amazing that John so clearly hears God’s voice saying that Jesus was ‘the one’.  

What are the ways that the Holy Spirit speaks most clearly to you? 

If you have time, read through the Practice on Centering Prayer we focused on during the Exodus series. Ask the Holy Spirit to speak to you:
