Tuesday 1/17/23

Read John 1  In this chapter, Jesus is the Word, He is the Life, He is the Light. Each of these descriptions are laden with truth and depth.  Spend some time praying and asking the Holy Spirit to guide you into His truth.  What do you learn about the Word from the beginning of the chapter?  How does it challenge …

Monday 1/16/23

As usual, we will allow our friends at the Bible Project to give us an overview of the Book of John.  Check this out: From this video, what pops out to you?  What are some of the themes in these first 12 chapters?

Saturday, January 14th

Read Matthew 7:24-29 KNOW (What does the text say about God?) BE (What does the text say about us?) DO (What is the text calling me to do?)

Friday, January 13th

Read Matthew 7:21-23 KNOW (What does the text say about God?) BE (What does the text say about us?) DO (What is the text calling me to do?)

Thursday, January 12th

Read Matthew 7:13-20 KNOW (What does the text say about God?) BE (What does the text say about us?) DO (What is the text calling me to do?)

Wednesday, January 11th

Read Matthew 7:1-12 KNOW (What does the text say about God?) BE (What does the text say about us?) DO (What is the text calling me to do?)

Tuesday, January 10th

Read Matthew 6: 25-34 KNOW (What does the text say about God?) BE (What does the text say about us?) DO (What is the text calling me to do?)