Read Romans 2:5-11
Remember to pray and ask God to, through the Holy Spirit, teach you and give you wisdom. These are challenging verses!
What do you think verse 5 means?
Versus 6-8 seem to say that our actions determine our future eternal like in heaven, but we teach that faith in Jesus’ work on the cross determines that.
I think of it this way: if someone does not ask Jesus to pay the penalty for their sins and become a part of His family, on what basis will they eventually be judged by God when they die?
How does this demonstrate that God does not show favoritism?
(Scripture is clear that we will all face judgement when we die. Jesus offers to pay the penalty for our sins by His blood shed on the cross. If this is something you aren’t familiar with, please reach out to Andrew, Jess or one of the elders or leaders around this place! – we would love to share with you!)