Tuesday 6/21

Read Matthew 5:14-16 How is the light similar to the salt? How is it dissimilar? Would those around you recognize the light in you? In what ways is it visible? What pieces of your faith are kept hidden? Why do you hide them? Spend some time reflecting on the truth that you bring glory to the Father by your good …

Monday 6/20

Read Matthew 5:13 Salt of the earth. I looked up the origin of this phrase to see if there was another origin than this sermon. But nope—it comes from this phrase in this sermon. It means “being a good, honest, reliable, trustworthy person.” “They are a salt of the earth kind of worker…” What do you think Jesus means by …

Sunday 6/19

Spend some time just relaxing with the Lord. We’ve looked at a lot of our own brokenness this week. That can be painful and downright hard. Sit and listen to the Father speak His love, His acceptance, and His compassion over you. Memorization Verse: Matthew 5:3-4 “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed …

Saturday 6/18

Read Matthew 5:7-12 several times slowly, aloud (or listening to your phone read). Just soak in Jesus’ words. Ask the Holy Spirit to pop out a word or phrase for you to pay attention to—this is often how He speaks to us. Is there a word or phrase that really pops out to you as you read this morning? Why …

Friday 6/17

Read Matthew 5:11-12 A casual read through Hebrews chapter 11 will show you the many prophets and people that were persecuted and killed for the sake of the kingdom. In your own life (or someone close to you), have you seen yourself be insulted or lied about because of Jesus or your faith? When something has been hard in life, …

Thursday 6/16

Read Matthew 5:10 Most of the time that I get into trouble for something, it is something that I have done. Here is a person who is doing what is right, but still getting persecuted. Has there been a situation in your own life where you were persecuted? What is the difference between a person being persecuted for doing what …

Wednesday 6/15

Read Matthew 5:9 What is a time in your life that you saw someone “working for peace”? Peace making does not mean smoothing over things that are wrong just to avoid conflict. The work involved in peace is often challenging and hard, a lot of listening and praying for understanding. But we are rewarded by being called children of God! …