Tuesday 6/28

Read Matthew 5:31-32 Why do you think that Jesus equates divorce with adultery— what is the connection? Why do you think God feels so strongly about divorce? What do you think God’s intent was in creating marriage? Marriage is a spiritual bond in God’s sight. How does this impact His thoughts on divorce? How is this relevant in our culture …

Monday 6/27

Read Matthew 5:27-30 What is Jesus’ main point or desire with this teaching? Again, how does seeing people as image bearers inform the way that we look at people? In what way can you ‘gouge out your eye’ or ‘cut off your hand’? Memorization Verse: Matthew 5:6 “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be …

Sunday 6/26

As we anticipate being together for worship, spend some time preparing your heart to sit with your spiritual family. Reflect back on the week’s devotions and bring before the Lord anything that you feel has usurped His rightful place in your heart. Ask Him to speak as you are listening.

Saturday 6/25

Read Matthew 5:13-26 Read it several times slowly, aloud (or listening to your phone read). Just soak in Jesus’ words. Ask the Holy Spirit to pop out a word or phrase for you to pay attention to- this is often how He speaks to us. Is there a word or phrase that really pops out to you as you read …

Friday 6/24

Read Matthew 5:23-26 How did your family handle conflict when you were growing up? Did situations or hurts get resolved? How does Jesus want us to handle conflicts: write at least 3 things you observe from this section: What’s your usual pattern when someone hurts you or wrongs you? How do you handle it? What about when you know that …

Thursday 6/23

Read Matthew 5:21-22 What do you think Jesus is saying in these verses? What is He getting at? How are anger and murder related? It seems like Jesus is saying that our words towards each other matter A LOT. Why do you think this is so? If we truly saw each other as image bearers of the Living God, how …

Wednesday 6/22

Read Matthew 5:17-20 In your understanding of the Old Testament, what is God trying to accomplish here? How can our righteousness possibly surpass the Pharisees who made it their job to be ‘perfect’ according to the standards of the day? What is Jesus talking about? As believers who have asked Jesus to pay the penalty for our sins and to …